Kategorie: Alle News

gfai tech GmbH

Octagon reveals hidden sources of noise from machines

In today's industrial setting, machinery plays a central role in production. Our Acoustic Camera Octagon is a vital asset for identifying defects by visualizing sound sources. It seamlessly conducts analysis even during continuous operation, eliminating the need for machine downtime. It combines 192 tiny, highly sensitive microphones with advanced algorithms to precisely record a wide frequency spectrum from 30 hertz to 24 kilohertz. In just five minutes, Octagon is able to create a comprehensi

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Remote Production for interactive business applications just got easier

BirdDog’s Cloud solution now provides easy access to real-time video streaming with nanoStream Cloud. Video production teams working with BirdDog Cloud 10 can now easily set up their connection to nanoStream Cloud, the award-winning real-time video streaming solution that works rock-solid on all devices. With BirdDog’s pre-set global encoder configuration, users can instantly connect to their nanoStream Cloud account for interactive live streaming.

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The LT40 transfer system modular system

Constructors, designers and engineers know how important an efficient and precise design phase is in industrial design, just like we do: The LT40 transfer system is therefore based on a standardized and modular construction kit that sets new standards in design and production and adapts to individual requirements. It offers a total of 3 categories with different components for routing, stopping, separating and positioning the workpiece carrier as well as for accessories.

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Logo der Firma MONTECH AG

The LT40 transfer system modular system

Constructors, designers and engineers know how important an efficient and precise design phase is in industrial design, just like we do: The LT40 transfer system is therefore based on a standardized and modular construction kit that sets new standards in design and production and adapts to individual requirements. It offers a total of 3 categories with different components for routing, stopping, separating and positioning the workpiece carrier as well as for accessories.

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Crystal clear results for transparent and sophisticated bonding - this is what our brand new structural adhesive WELDYX® ACRYLATE CLEAR offers. It bonds a wide range of substrates to plastics without pre-treatment and is therefore ideal for advertising technology, POS construction, vehicle construction and industrial applications. What makes WELDYX® ACRYLATE CLEAR stand out? Easy processing without primer, fast curing and high resistance to a wide range of media are just some of its advantages.

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Logo der Firma ApoRisk GmbH
ApoRisk GmbH

Startschuss für „Mein Justizpostfach“ – die Justiz wird für Bürgerinnen und Bürger leichter digital erreichbar

Ab 13.10.2023 können Bürger „Mein Justizpostfach“ (MJP) nutzen. Der Dienst ermöglicht eine digitale, rechtssichere und kostenfreie Kommunikation mit der Justiz. Bürger können damit z. B. Klagen bei Gericht rechtswirksam einreichen oder Dokumente wie Mietverträge oder Bußgeldbescheide auf sichere Weise elektronisch an ihre Anwältin oder ihren Anwalt übermitteln.

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Metz Kreta – seit 23 Jahren: Qualität, die fasziniert

Wer kann das toppen? Ein TV-Gerät, das 23 Jahre zuverlässig seinen Dienst verrichtet. Das ist mehr als eine solide Leistung – es ist Langlebigkeit, wie sie im Buche steht. Vor allem im so schnelllebigen TV-Markt. Besagter Fernseher, ein Metz TV namens Kreta mit der Typenbezeichnung 72TD87 SF 100, wurde just einem inhabergeführten Fachbetrieb in Essen übergeben. Schweren Herzens, wie sich nach knapp einem Vierteljahrhundert Nutzungszeit vermuten lässt, aber mit voller Funktionsfähigkeit.

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Unleash the Power of Data: Discover the Ultimate Secrets of Technical Testing and Monitoring for a Data Vault-Powered EDW!

New blog post out now! Join our newsletter to learn about technical tests and monitoring of a Data Vault powered Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW). Don't miss out on the latest insights and best practices to optimize your data utilization. Sign up today and be the first to benefit from our informative blog posts! Together, we'll build a solid foundation for your data warehouse. Quick and easy registration in just a few clicks!

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Logo der Firma ApoRisk GmbH
ApoRisk GmbH

Justizministerium muss keinen Informationszugang zu „Cum-Ex“-Ermittlungsverfahren gewähren

Am 24. August 2023 fällte die 29. Kammer des Verwaltungsgerichts Düsseldorf ein Urteil, das besagt, dass das Justizministerium des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW) keinen Informationszugang zu Berichten der Staatsanwaltschaften in Ermittlungsverfahren zu „Cum-Ex“-Transaktionen der WestLB AG und deren Bearbeitung im Justizministerium gewähren muss. Die Klage, die von Gesellschaftern der Warburg Bank auf Grundlage des Informationsfreiheitsgesetzes Nordrhein-Westfalen (IFG NRW) eingereicht wurde, w

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Create an inclined belt conveyor easily and quickly

Seek and ye shall find – the example of a popcorn manufacturer shows just how quick and easy it can be to find the right belt conveyor. When seeking the right belt conveyor for its production, this company stumbled on Montech's products online. Thanks to Montech's customer-friendly online platform, it was easy and quick to make contact, and the customer quickly found exactly the inclined TB40 belt conveyor with belt studs that it needed.

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Variable-speed Conveyor System

A square conveyor system as a space-saving and application-oriented solution for efficiently and safely buffering, inspecting, classifying, and preparing the material for the next work process. While integrated indexing stations on the conveyor circuit inspect the components completely automatically, an independent belt conveyor with four individually controllable belt sections then ejects the components.

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Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH

If Kimberly is your name, .kim is your domain!

We are pleased to introduce a new Top Level Domain just for Kims: .KIM. Now you can get yourname.KIM as a website and email address. Business owners and individuals worldwide prefer to use their own name in their Internet address. If your name is KIM, this has been very difficult, as all the "KIM" names in .com were already taken years ago. KIM is one of the most popular surnames in the world, with 100M Koreans named Kim. https://www.domainregistry.de/kim-domain.html

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Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH

If Kim is your name, .kim is your domain!

We are pleased to introduce a new Top Level Domain just for Kims: .KIM. Now you can get yourname.KIM as a website and email address. Business owners and individuals worldwide prefer to use their own name in their Internet address. If your name is KIM, this has been very difficult, as all the "KIM" names in .com were already taken years ago. KIM is one of the most popular surnames in the world, with 100M Koreans named Kim. https://www.domainregistry.de/kim-domains.html

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NCP blog article: NCP Talk with Erica, Systems Engineer at NCP

Erica got her master’s in Simulation Sciences at RWTH University in Aachen in April 2020. Shortly thereafter, she started her job as Systems Engineer at NCP in June 2020. Here she has taken on many different technical roles and has shown mastery of the German and English languages, by helping bridge the gaps between customers and NCP using both. Outside of work she enjoys spending time in nature and taking on new experiences, whether that be by traveling or simply just trying something new.

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Mobile Instandhaltung und digitale Prozesse im Tagebau

Unser Kunde MIBRAG, die Mitteldeutsche Braunkohlengesellschaft präsentierte die erfolgreich implementierten digitalen Lösungen im Rahmen der Instandhaltungstage des Arbeitskreises Nord Anfang 2020 in Bonn. Ein moderner Tagebau arbeitet just-in-time. Um Versorgungssicherheit zu gewährleisten und teure Ausfallzeiten zu vermeiden, wurde ein digital gesteuertes mobiles Instandhaltungsmanagement installiert.

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Logo der Firma Traxpay GmbH
Traxpay GmbH


Working only to earn money was yesterday. Today, working to find personal fulfillment is the more important goal. How would it be if you could go to work every day and feel a real sense of accomplishment? What if your job fulfilled you completely, and even made you really happy? That's exactly what happens when you align your personal life goals the "big five" with your work, just like Tanya Söllner, Marketing Manager at F

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Logo der Firma Traxpay GmbH
Traxpay GmbH


Working only to earn money was yesterday. Today, working to find personal fulfillment is the more important goal. How would it be if you could go to work every day and feel a real sense of accomplishment? What if your job fulfilled you completely, and even made you really happy? That's exactly what happens when you align your personal life goals the "big five" with your work, just like Roland Fitterer, Director Operations at Traxpay GmbH.

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Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH

Wenn Sie Kim heißen, dann registrieren Sie Ihren Name unter der Kim-Domain!

We are pleased to introduce a new Top Level Domain just for Kims: .KIM. Now you can get yourname.KIM as a website and email address because ICANN has just approved the availability of Kim-Domains for everyone! Business owners and individuals worldwide prefer to use their own name in their Internet address. If your name is KIM, this has been very difficult, as all the "KIM" names in .com were already taken years ago. KIM is one of the most popular surnames in the world.

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