Kategorie: Alle News

Logo der Firma Ergosign GmbH
Ergosign GmbH

Forx: Das brandneue App-Konzept zur betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung bei Ergosign

Bereits in der Konzeptphase verspricht diese neue Rezept-App viel Spaß beim Kochen und unterstützt die gesunde Ernährung des Ergosign Teams. Was es mit Forx genau auf sich hat, hat Laura Gül (Communication Manager) mit Rawad Malahafji (Auszubildende für Mediengestaltung) und Aline Tasch (People & Talent Administrator) in einem Interview besprochen.

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Logo der Firma promeos GmbH
promeos GmbH

100 Years Republic of Turkey

promeos® has always had a special relationship with Turkey and we congratulate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic. A century of history and growth is an impressive milestone achieved by the Republic of Turkey. The founding of the Republic in 1923 is a testament to the determination and commitment of its people to build a nation based on principles such as independence, democracy and freedom.

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Retention: Interview mit Désirée Pascual, Chief People Officer bei Headspace

Von Quiet Quitting und Quiet Firing ist in den letzten Monaten oft zu lesen. Wir wollten von einer echten Expertin wissen, was es damit auf sich hat, welche Anzeichen es für die beiden Symptome gibt und was Arbeitgeber in diesen herausfordernden Zeiten tun müssen, um Mitarbeitende langfristig zu binden.

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HARVEY® as Phantom Audio Level Controller

HARVEY ensures compliance with the prescribed sound levels in the largest new nightclub in Paris - the Phantom. In March 2023, one of the largest new nightclubs in the French capital opened under the Accor Arena in Paris - the Phantom. Located under the stands of the Accor Arena, this venue spans 1,400m² and 9m ceilings and can accommodate up to 3,500 people.

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Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH


There are a few reasons why Com-Domains are so popular: Recognizability: Com-domains are easily recognizable and have a strong brand presence on the internet. Versatility: Com-Domains can be used for any type of website, making them a versatile choice for many different purposes. Global appeal: Com-Domains are not specific to any particular country, so they have a global appeal and can be used by people and organizations around the world. https://www.domainregistry.de/com-domain/

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NCP blog article: My mobile working life: It’s a shame the fun has come to an end

When a new virus started to change the whole world, anyone who could worked from home. Everyone had to protect themselves and most people wanted to, especially as the disease was still largely unknown. We knew it was contagious. Contacts had to be avoided. At the time, the IT departments that were preparing for endpoint security and business continuity were able to scale quickly – all went well. My home office was up and running! In that respect, the virus looked stupid...

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NCP blog article: Endpoint security: An important topic in hybrid work environments

The global pandemic has finally turned the world of workupside down. Many offices where employees used to perform the majority of their work are now vacant. Today, most people are either working from home or doing so remotely. Even though at the current moment the coronavirus is perceived as a lower risk by many, companies are still being cautious. Many have also now also recognized the advantages of remote working models.

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Herr Dirk Breitenberger, Geschäftsführer von laservision, feiert sein 30-Jäheriges Jubiläum bei uvex

30 Jahre ist es her, dass Herr Dirk Breitenberger seine berufliche Laufbahn bei der uvex group gestartet hat. In seiner langen Karriere war er in verschiedenen Führungspositionen tätig. Seit August 2017 ist er Geschäftsführer bei LASERVISION GmbH & Co. KG und verantwortlich für die Entwicklung, Produktion und Herstellung von hochwertigen Laserschutzprodukten zum  Schutz des Menschen, getreu dem firmenweiten Leitmotiv  "protecting people".  Herzlichen Glückwünsch!

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Studioscene 22 - Out of the monotony and into the recording world community

Microtech Gefell is looking forward to Studioscene 2022 on August 30/31 at Rosengarten Mannheim. After a long Corona break, the professional exchange with people who share the passion for music production is of special importance. Studioscene 22 is a perfect opportunity to introduce ambitious users to MTG innovations for studio & live recording and more. Included, new microphones Handmade in Gefell, such as the new M 330.

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Logo der Firma Traxpay GmbH
Traxpay GmbH

Traxpay Take Aways of EBA Open Forum on Digital Transformation

Examining the various facets of Sustainability and ESG - A new horizon in Banking and Finance? The EBA hosted the Forum for Digital Transformation Forum, this time with a focus on the various facets of sustainability and ESG in banking and finance. Both technologies such as Blockchain and AI as well mindset, training and regulation were examined. Traxpay invited the more than 135 people registered to join their panel: "Connecting corporates and banks: Platforms as an enabler for Sustainability

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Logo der Firma Campus Schwarzwald
Campus Schwarzwald

Nach eineinhalb Jahren endlich wieder Präsenzvorlesung am Campus Schwarzwald

Am 20. und 21. Januar konnten die Masterstudenten/-innen der Universität Stuttgart nach über einem Jahr Onlineunterricht auch wieder in Präsenz am Campus Schwarzwald an der Vorlesung „Führung und Management in High-Tech Unternehmen“ teilnehmen. Die Vorlesung wird von Harald Jung, Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH, Jan Oetting, Director Corporate People Development bei der Dürr AG und Katrin Christ, Senior Managerin Corporate People Development bei der Dürr AG, gelehrt.

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Der Bosch People Acquisition Campus als Modell für die interne Besetzung offener Stellen und ein erfolgreicheres Recruiting

Recruiting und die unternehmensinterne Vermittlung von Fach- und Arbeitskräften sind in vielen Unternehmen zwei Paar Schuhe. Das externe Recruiting hat meist Priorität. Dass diese Strategie in Zukunft nicht mehr ausreicht, hat Bosch erkannt und den Bosch People Acquisition Campus (PAC) entwickelt.

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We secure IT Herbst mit NCP

Auf der virtuellen Konferenz We secure IT können sich IT- und Security-Verantwortliche in Live Vorträgen, Live Demos und Diskussionsrunden über Themen der Security informieren. Angeboten werden die sechs Themencluster People Centric Security, Cybersecurity, Security Awareness, Endpoint Security MDR & EDR, Threat Protection/Detection und Cloud Security. NCP wird sich im Cluster Cybersecurity zum Thema „VPN Zero Trust“ beteiligen. Referent ist Director Sales Public & Defence, Benjamin Isak .

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laservision - protecting people ..and pets in Australien!

In Australien wurden Millionen Hektar verbrannt und es gibt viele Tiere, die einer Behandlung bedürfen. laservision freut sich sehr, mit den Laserschutzbrillen und Laserschutz-Doggles® einen Beitrag leisten zu können, den Veterinären und ihren Patienten, bei der Laserbehandlung von verletzten Kängurus in Australien zu helfen. Getreu dem Motto: protecting people ..and pets!

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Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH


The registry of the How-Domains is Google Registry. Google Registry tells about the How-Domains: "More people search for 'how' than any of the five 'W's (who, what, where, when, and why)." We think: This statement convinces of the How-Domains. Google has the knowhow about searches in Google and other search engines. If not Google, then who else? The How-Domain shall be a place for thinkers, tinkerers, and knowledge-seekers to explore everything from “how do” to “how to.”

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Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH

What is the meaning of "and co."?

You can take as example the company name: Miller and co. The company consists not only of Mr. Miller, but it is an association. The co. means the group of people associated with that person. If a company is called e.g. Nottingham Co., it could register a domain name nottingham.co. The domain name nottingham.co is mirroring 1:1 the company name. Also Miller and co. could get a domain name http://millerand.co or miller-and.co, but in this case, the domain name is not so elegant.

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