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Story Box-ID: 1225662

ICP Deutschland GmbH Mahdenstr. 3 72768 Reutlingen, Deutschland http://www.icp-deutschland.de
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Marketing Abteilung +49 7121 1432351

Water-protected embedded system for AI applications

IP66 waterproof NVIDIA® Jetson Embedded PC

(PresseBox) (Reutlingen, )
For use in harsh environments, ICP Germany offers the NRU-2x0V-AWP series IP66 waterproof embedded systems for demanding AI applications, such as in road traffic, mining and construction or in ports. A total of 6 variants are available. Both basic versions, NRU-230V and NRU-240V, share the NVIDIA® Jetson AGX ORIN™ SoM with ARM Cortex A78E CPU and NVIDIA® Ampere GPU with 64GB eMMC memory. There are variants with 32GB or 64GB RAM with Jetpack 5.1.1 as well as a variant with Jetpack 6.0. The IP66 waterproof housing measures 225x194x89mm and offers a variety of interfaces. The NRU-230V-AWP models in particular have eight GMSL2 camera connections with FAKRA-Z connectors on the front. Depending on the configuration, 2MP@30FPS, 3MP@30FPS or 5MP@30FPS are possible with these versions. The slimmed-down NRU-240V-AWP models do not have the GMSL2 camera connections.

On the rear of both the NRU-230V and NRU-240V, four GbE, one 10GbE, two USB2.0, one RS-232, one RS-485, one DO, two CAN, one DI with GPS PPS input and one CAN2.0 interface and an isolated DO with automotive grade MCU for remote monitoring are available via waterproof M12 connectors. The four GbE interfaces offer PoE functionality with a maximum total output of 100 watts. There is also a water-protected USB type-C connector with USB 3.2 and display port functionality. The housing features two mPCIE and one M.2 3042/3052 for the expansion of plug-in cards as well as an M.2 2230 with NVME 3x2 and two SATA ports for additional storage media.

Temperature ranges of up to -40 °C to 70 °C are possible, depending on the configuration and type of use. With a voltage input of 8 VDC to 48 VDC, the NRU-2x0AWP series underlines its industrial character.

ICP. Industrial Computer Products …by people who care!

  • IP66 waterproof embedded system
  • NVIDIA® Jetson AGX ORIN™ SoM
  • 32/64GB memory
  • 64Gb eMMC
  • GMSL2 camera connectors with FAKRA Z connector
  • 10GbE and GbE LAN
  • USB, RS-232/422/485, CAN,
  • mPCIE, M.2 3052
  • 8V~48V DC input
  • Up to -25°C to 70°C
  • AI applications for harsh environments
  • Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR)
  • Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV)
  • Edge AI
  • Embedded systems
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Robust NVIDIA® Jetson GMSL2 IPC for autonomous vehicles and remote control

ICP Deutschland GmbH

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