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Story Box-ID: 767569

ROBOZÄN GmbH Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25 13355 Berlin, Deutschland http://robozän.de
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Matthias Krinke +49 30 70096940
Logo der Firma ROBOZÄN GmbH

The worldwide first temporary employment company for humanoid robots

A dream of humanity becomes reality: Let robots work for us!

(PresseBox) (Berlin, )
Robot pioneer and entrepreneur Matthias Krinke has founded the first staff and temporary employment company in the world for robots, especially for mankind like (humanoid) robots. Robots have been previously bee usually purchased or leased by their operators and installed at fixed work stations. The robots have then spent their life separated by protective fencing right up to withdrawal from service. Robozän provides work for robots at industrial customers. Owners of robots can provide robots to the staff agency and then receive the salaries paid by the customers, after deduction of agency commission and administration fees.

“This has been made possible only now with the latest new robot generation of the workerbot™, the third generation from pi4_robotics“, Matthias Krinke explains.

The workerbots™ are delivered complete with professional training adapted to customer needs. If the workerbot™ receives a new task, it can be further adapted for the new career with a software update and new hands, if these are also required. The robots are flexible in terms of their place of operation, i.e. they do not need fixed cabling and installation at the work station, aside from connection for supply of media. The robots can therefore also be used efficiently at different work stations in a company. This “disruptive” company concept based on Industry 4.0 principles also makes it possible to realize production of small numbers of products in high wage cost countries and thereby contributes to a significant extent towards ensuring and strengthening Europe as a production location.

The company Robozän GmbH i.G. is the worldwide first staff provision and temporary employment agency for robots, especially for mankind like robots. The company provides temporary and permanent work at industrial companies.The headquarters is located in Berlin. Matthias Krinke possesses a university engineering degree and founded Robozän GmbH i.G. in November 2015. The Robozän staff consists of 0% employees (aside from the Managing Partner) and 100% robots. Matthias Krinke is also known in the public arena since 1994 through his robot and image processing company pi4_robotics GmbH and through the workerbot™ mankind like robot that was presented for the first time in 2010. The workerbot™ is the worldwide first humanoid factory worker to be used in factories and is offered in the pi4 Webshop (shop.pi4.de).
Headquarters and production are located in Berlin.

You can also find this press release on our Internet Homepage.

Application has been made for Robozän™ and robocene™ registration as trademarks of Matthias Krinke.
pi4™ is a registered trademark of Matthias Krinke.
bot your biz™ is a registered trademark of pi4_robotics GmbH.
workerbot™ is a registered trademark of pi4_robotics GmbH.
inspectoid™ is a registered trademark of pi4_robotics GmbH

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