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Story Box-ID: 1213141

proMX Kleinreuther Weg 87 90408 Nürnberg, Deutschland http://www.promx.net
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Peter Linke +49 911 815230
Logo der Firma proMX

proMX once more welcomed into Inner Circle for Microsoft Business Applications 2024/2025

proMX, a leading provider of solutions for Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Power Platform and Microsoft Copilot, has been welcomed into the prestigious Inner Circle for Microsoft Business Applications for the sixth time.

(PresseBox) (Nürnberg, )
This community of strategic partners is selected annually based on outstanding achievements and innovations within the Microsoft ecosystem, such as exceptional performance, deep commitment to customers, and successful business outcomes. Members of Microsoft’s Inner Circle represent the top 1% of Microsoft’s Business Applications partners worldwide.

"We are incredibly honored to be recognized as a member of the Inner Circle for the sixth time,” said Peter Linke, CEO of proMX. "Our close partnership with Microsoft has been integral to our success. We are committed to continuing our collaboration to help our customers achieve their business goals with a combination of Microsoft technology and our own range of products.”

As a member of the Inner Circle, proMX will engage more closely with Microsoft executives and other top partners to gain early-access to Microsoft’s latest product innovations and strategic insights. Customers benefit from the most up-to-date solutions, as well as enhanced support and resources.

Over the years, proMX has consistently demonstrated its expertise in implementing and customizing Microsoft solutions across various industries. With offices in Germany, the UK, India, the US, Canada and, as of late, Singapore, the company successfully delivers complex international projects, too.

proMX’s goal has always been to help organizations streamline operations, enhance productivity, and drive growth. We are excited to move forward as part of Microsoft’s Inner Circle!

For more information about proMX, please visit proMX.net.


proMX assists businesses with their digital transformation, cloud migration projects and the realization of agile organizational structures. The company operates in Germany, the US, India, the UK, Canada and Singapore. proMX is renowned for its unbeatable know-how regarding the cloud business software Dynamics 365, its own compatible products, and an inclusive and international team of experts. Let's reinvent your productivity together!

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