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Story Box-ID: 1126482

Heilind Electronics GmbH Pfarrer-Huber-Ring 8 83620 Feldkirchen-Westerham, Deutschland http://www.heilind.de
Ansprechpartner:in 514 Media Ltd 0044 (7719) 715 218
Logo der Firma Heilind Electronics GmbH
Heilind Electronics GmbH

New Heilind distribution centre set to open

(PresseBox) (Feldkirchen-Westerham, )
Heilind Electronics Europe, a leading global distributor of connectors and electromechanical components, is to open a new state-of-the-art distribution centre early in September 2022 in Upper Silesia, Poland.

Heilind has made the investment with a firm strategy to further strengthen and grow its supply chain capabilities. By adding this new warehouse and office complex to its existing infrastructure, Heilind is better able to support growing market requirements, especially across Poland, bordering Czechia and Slovakia, as well as Hungary and Romania.

Located at Poland’s industrial heartland in Mysłowice, the new structure spans 4,000 sq. m. It is inaugurated as a response to increasing customer demand across various industries such as commercial electronics, mil/aero, transport and mechanical.

CEO for Heilind Electronics Europe, Robert Clapp, said: “This distribution centre is a testimony to Heilind’s commitment to our customers and is a major milestone for us.

“We all know distribution is a fast-paced world. The need for availability, short lead times and agility in the market is higher than ever before. So, whilst we have designed a distribution centre to meet our customers’ needs, the new facility will be more than just a warehouse space: it will also boast a showroom where our customers can meet with our suppliers and industry specialists to find out more about our technologies.

“We remain committed to delivering quality electromechanical components adapted to rapidly developing technologies. Heilind associates with over 150 suppliers from around the world, including TE Connectivity, Molex, Amphenol and PennEngineering and we are constantly widening our portfolio. We have recently established cooperations with world-class military connectors manufacturers and engineered access solutions providers Cambion, ITT Cannon and Southco.”

The official opening is planned for 12 September 2022.

Heilind Electronics GmbH

Founded in 1974, Heilind Electronics, Inc. (www.heilindeurope.com) is one of the world's leading distributors of connectors, relays, sensors, switches, thermal management and circuit protection products, terminal blocks, wire and cable, wiring accessories, and insulation and identification products. Heilind has locations throughout the US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Singapore, Hong Kong, and China. Follow Heilind on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/... and on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/....

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