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Story Box-ID: 1226138

KAESER KOMPRESSOREN SE Carl-Kaeser-Str. 26 96450 Coburg, Deutschland http://www.kaeser.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Daniela Koehler +49 9561 640452

Efficient and food-safe


(PresseBox) (Coburg, )
With rising energy prices, the brewing and beverage industry faces significant challenges, making energy-efficient compressed air supply more crucial than ever. Kaeser Kompressoren offers tailored solutions for operations of all sizes, from large beverage producers to small craft breweries, ensuring that compressed air generation is both economical and reliable.

At Brau, Kaeser Kompressoren will demonstrate how compressed air can be generated and treated to achieve the highest quality standards, all while ensuring sustainability and future readiness. Visitors will discover energy-efficient reciprocating and rotary screw compressors, highly effective rotary lobe blowers, and comprehensive compressed air solutions for PET container production. Additionally, Kaeser’s latest generation of oil-free compression rotary screw compressors from the CSG series sets new standards for purity and efficiency in production processes.

The ideal all-in-one solution

Kaeser's i.Comp 8/9 stands out with its innovative drive system. Beneath the rotomolded PE enclosure lies an oil-free reciprocating compressor with a variable speed motor that delivers the exact amount of compressed air required. The i.Comp Tower “T” models incorporate the compressor block, air receiver, refrigeration dryer, and Sigma Control 2 controller into a complete, turnkey package, making them ideal for use in breweries and the beverage industry.

Oil-free and highly efficient

CSG series oil-free compression rotary screw compressors bring next-level energy efficiency to your production processes. Featuring IE5-class synchronous reluctance motors and Kaeser’s proprietary Sigma Profile compressor airend, these advanced systems deliver impressive energy savings. The water-cooled CSG, equipped with i.HOC and integrated heat recovery, maximises compressor heat utilisation for outstanding performance and sustainability.

The Sigma Air Manager 4.0 compressed air management system is yet another star of the show; this intelligent master controller co-ordinates operation of multiple compressors and blowers with unprecedented efficiency. Its powerful networking capabilities not only enable comprehensive monitoring and energy management, but also make predictive maintenance a reality.

Kaeser’s compressed air innovations will be on show at Stand 335 in Hall 4.

Website Promotion

Website Promotion
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