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Story Box-ID: 1160374

HEBIE GmbH & Co. KG Sandhagen 16 33617 Bielefeld, Deutschland http://hebie-group.com/
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Jan Siekmann +49 521 9141918
Logo der Firma HEBIE GmbH & Co. KG

HEBIE and URSUS - cooperative competition!

Historic agreement to improve customer satisfaction

(PresseBox) (Bielefeld, )
The bicycle component specialists HEBIE and URSUS will cooperate in the near future to jointly establish in the market the new bicycle stand interface "INVISIBLE CONNECT" (in short: "IC").

In discussions between the managing directors Mirko Ferronato (URSUS) and Christian Junker (HEBIE), it quickly became clear that OEMs are increasingly demanding that the interface between the bicycle stand and the frame has to be as invisible and integrative as possible. IC not only solves these requirements, but also offers variable positioning of the interface along the chain stay. This allows more space to be created elsewhere, e.g. at the dropout, and an optimal opportunity to select the perfect stand-up point for the bike.

All actors in the bike market will benefit of this cooperation, especially specialist dealers and end consumers. Thanks to IC system there will be fewer individual solutions, making it much easier for the consumer. In addition, HEBIE and URSUS can preserve the independence of the customers through the cooperation, as they do not have to commit to one manufacturer. As part of this historic agreement, Ursus has been granted the licence right to improve, use and produce Hebie's IC interface system.

URSUS, in fact, was working on a quite similar system of integrated rear kickstand called "U-Mount System”, but both HEBIE and URSUS reckoned more beneficial for the market to consolidate ideas and choose a single solution. In any case, it will of course be possible to keep or implement customized solutions to meet specific requirements of the OEM.

Mirko Ferronato and Christian Junker agree that it is important to see each other as partners, although there is a so-called "competitive situation" between Hebie and Ursus. One of the aims is to further strengthen Europe as a production location. Both are convinced that this mindset will become increasingly important for us Europeans in the future. In addition to a consistent and long-term corporate orientation, mutual trust in dealing with each other is crucial for success.

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