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Story Box-ID: 864362

H. Buschkühl GmbH Georg-Büchner-Str. 62 40699 Erkrath, Deutschland http://www.biophoton.de
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Dr. Heinrich Buschkühl +49 211 1577200
Logo der Firma H. Buschkühl GmbH
H. Buschkühl GmbH

Treating bacterial infections without antibiotics

With the Bionic 880, borreliosis and its co-infections can be treated gently, without antibiotics, using pulsed light

(PresseBox) (Erkrath, )
Already in the mid-1980s, researchers recognized that light acts as an information carrier for body cells and developed a light-based acupuncture device. Buschkühl developed this into the Bionic 880, which is used today by doctors and alternative practitioners around the world to successfully and gently treat a wide range of illnesses. Its successful use has been medically confirmed. The medical device for light therapy has won several awards and is now available in its third generation of development. Photon therapy can replace classic acupuncture, which addresses only certain meridians and can only be performed by the doctor directly. Treatment with the Bionic 880 can be delegated to an assistant.

Overview of treatment options for photon or light therapy
  • Local treatment of pain, wounds, infections, burns
  • Hormone harmonization, wide-ranging indications—hormones involved in most illnesses, 5 points are treated
  • Treatment of bacterial infections without antibiotics, including the necessary detoxification
  • Treatment of viral illnessesTreating borreliosis and other bacterial diseases with photon therapy
Borreliosis is a bacterial disease with numerous symptoms that is difficult to diagnose and to treat. Borreliosis imitates more than 200 clinical disease patterns and is one of the most commonly overlooked infectious diseases in Germany. Between 60,000 and 100,000 new cases are presumed to occur each year. Using the Bionic 880 and photon therapy, borreliosis can be gently and successfully treated without the use of antibiotics. “Every month, between 60 and 100 Lyme borreliosis patients from around the world come to Germany to get therapeutic treatment with the Bionic 880,”says honorary doctor Heinrich Buschkühl.

Practice-tested therapy concepts and complemental medical products for natural treatment

Natural therapists who would like to use the Bionic 880 are trained in its use by experienced employees of Buschkühl GmbH. A treating therapist always supervises the use of photon therapy. For protracted treatment, the easy-to-use device can also be prescribed for a patient, so that after comprehensive instruction the treatment can be performed at home.

Application reports by experienced therapists and the indication list for the Bionic 880 are available to interested members of the medical community following registration at http://www.biophoton.de/registrieren.html.

The transducer supplements the Bionic 880 to provide information to patients. Like the Bionic 880, it is ready for use immediately.

Website Promotion

Website Promotion

H. Buschkühl GmbH

Since 1996, the H. Buschkühl GmbH company has specialized in the sale of innovative medical and wellness devices and products. The Bionic 880, which is considered to be the original in photon therapy, is produced by the H. Buschkühl GmbH company in Germany and is used by doctors and alternative practitioners around the world. In 2013, it was awarded the "Best of 2013" industry award for the second time.

More information at www.biophoton.de

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