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Story Box-ID: 1041066

FlexQube GmbH Feldbergstrasse 27-29 61440 Oberursel, Deutschland http://www.flexqube.com
Logo der Firma FlexQube GmbH
FlexQube GmbH

McGee Storage & Handling joins the FlexQube dealer network in the USA

(PresseBox) (Oberursel, )
FlexQube is happy to welcome McGee Storage & Handling as our newest dealer in the USA. Throughout 2020, FlexQube had been introduced to McGee through MODEX, one of the largest tradeshows within the material handling industry in the USA. From there a project had begun between one of McGee’s clients, FlexQube and McGee, then from there, the partnership discussions began.

McGee is located in Georgia and they will work to resell our FlexQube products to their existing customers and throughout the region. McGee has been helping customers in the Atlanta area since 1972 and have an impressive track record with their clients.

FlexQube CEO Anders Fogelberg comments “We have already worked alongside McGee in a few projects throughout 2020, and I was impressed by their commitment to customer service to their customers. I am sure that our partnership with McGee will continue to get stronger throughout 2021 and I am very happy to have them as a dealer”.

We are excited to see where our partnership with McGee Storage and Handling will take us in 2021.

You can contact McGee Storage and Handling through their website, https://www.mcgeeatlanta.com/ or 770-458-4346

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FlexQube GmbH

FlexQube offers a unique and patented concept that is used to design and deliver robust, modular and flexible material handling carts that can also run autonomous. The company has manufacturing in Sweden and USA and distribution in North America and in Europe. On December 14, 2017, the company was listed on the Nasdaq First North in Sweden.

FlexQube has some of the world's largest manufacturers within automotive-, energy-, defense-, aerospace-, home appliances-, and construction machinery among their customers. Some examples are Volvo Cars, Siemens, Autoliv, Scania, Whirlpool, Eberspächer and Mann+Hummel.

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