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Story Box-ID: 1228575

WEY Group AG Dorfstraße 57 8103 Unterengstringen, Schweiz https://www.weytec.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Karolin Peters +41 44 751 89 65
Logo der Firma WEY Group AG

smartREMOTE: the remote working revolution from WEYTEC

WEYTEC revolutionizes mobile work with smartREMOTE, a software that enables secure remote access to workplace environments and offers significant advantages in terms of flexibility and user-friendliness.

(PresseBox) (Unterengstringen, )
In recent years, remote working has become the norm for many professionals operating in a wide range of different sectors. To take full advantage of the convenience and flexibility this brings, secure and convenient remote access to the systems they need to do their jobs has become mission-critical. That’s where workplace solutions leader WEYTEC comes in. The Swiss-based IT company has developed a new software receiver, smartREMOTE, aimed at offering secure and flexible remote access to workplace environments in a range of configurations. Designed for installation on a PC, smartREMOTE acts as an interface between external and WDP environments and enables the display of workstation images over an Ethernet IP-based network. The smart solution is the next step in extender technology from WEYTEC that offers significant benefits in terms of flexibility and useability.

Compatibility is a major asset of smartREMOTE. The solution is fully compatible with WDP MX®, WEYTEC’s innovative turnkey solution. Professionals can use smartREMOTE to work with WDP MX® sources on a local or remote basis via remote desktop solutions such as RDP and VNC. External access to WDP sources is possible via a remote connection to a smartREMOTE application installed on a host. Customers can provide their own hosts for installing and accessing smartREMOTE, subject to system requirements. The software supports many different network topologies and is independent of specific host vendors. It is compatible with Microsoft Windows 10 and 11 (64-bit version) and supports resolutions up to 3840x2160.

The operating concept of the smartREMOTE user interface is based on smartTOUCH and smartUX principles, helping users familiar with WEYTEC solutions hit the ground running and focus on operations. Registration and activation are made simple thanks to a licensing/activation-based model. Once they’re up and running, users can also configure settings within the smartREMOTE application, create shortcuts, and define direct workstations to suit their own specific requirements. The result is a smart remote solution that meets workers where they are.

WEY Group AG

WEY Technology is a Swiss-based global IT company that develops and manufactures virtually all its products and solutions in-house in Switzerland. WEYTEC is the specialist for high-performance workplace solutions on trading floors and in control rooms in any sector (public security, utilities, traffic management, aviation, process-controlled industry). WEYTEC has deployed over 50,000 workplaces at 500+ customer sites around the world. With 40 years of experience and expertise, the company offers a full portfolio of professional services to customers and partners in 45 countries.

For more information about WEYTEC, please visit www.weytec.com

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