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Story Box-ID: 1231187

TÜV Rheinland Am Grauen Stein 51105 Köln, Deutschland http://www.tuv.com
Ansprechpartner:in +49 221 8062148
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Sustainability rating: EcoVadis Gold for TÜV Rheinland

TÜV Rheinland among the top 5 percent of companies rated / www.tuv.com/sustainability

(PresseBox) (Köln, )
TÜV Rheinland has been awarded Gold by EcoVadis, the world’s leading provider of sustainability ratings, with a score of 80 out of 100. This puts TÜV Rheinland in the top 5 percent of companies rated. The company improved its overall score by one point compared to the previous year (79 points). “Our vision is a world that is always safe and sustainable - today and tomorrow,” said Dr Michael Fübi, CEO of TÜV Rheinland AG. “The Gold Rating for TÜV Rheinland shows that we are on the right track with our sustainability orientation.”

The EcoVadis rating measures the sustainability performance of companies in four areas: environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. Remarkable: “We scored 80 out of a possible 100 points in all four categories and improved our score particularly in the sustainable procurement dimension,” says Katharina Riese, Head of Corporate Sustainability. “The rating is one of the most important assessments of a company's sustainability performance worldwide and is increasingly required in tenders and contracts.” TÜV Rheinland has been participating in the rating since 2019.

Specific examples of TÜV Rheinland’s sustainable actions in the various subject areas include the integration of human rights due diligence obligations into corporate processes, for example with regards to equal treatment and non-discrimination, the degree of coverage of environmental and occupational safety certifications, continuous internal and external reporting on sustainability indicators, information security certification and whistleblower procedures.

Sustainability testing, certification and consulting services
In addition to its own sustainability efforts, TÜV Rheinland also supports other companies on their sustainability journey. The focus is on testing and certification services in the areas of sustainable energy, infrastructure, mobility, consumption, workplace and corporate management. TÜV Rheinland also has outstanding expertise in the areas of emissions measurement, green hydrogen and the implementation of occupational safety measures.

For TÜV Rheinland, sustainability is a global issue on which the company seeks to engage in dialogue with relevant stakeholders in order to jointly shape the way forward. Since 2006, the company has been a member of the UN Global Compact, the world's largest and most important initiative for sustainable and responsible corporate behavior.

For more information on TÜV Rheinland’s commitment and portfolio of services in the areas of sustainable energy, infrastructure, mobility, consumption, the workplace and corporate governance, please visit www.tuv.com/sustainability.

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TÜV Rheinland

Safety and quality in almost all areas of business and life: This is what TÜV Rheinland stands for. The company has been active for more than 150 years and is one of the world's leading testing service providers. TÜV Rheinland has more than 20,000 employees in over 50 countries and generates an annual turnover of around 2.3 billion euros. TÜV Rheinland's highly qualified experts test technical systems and products around the globe, support innovations in technology and business, train people in numerous professions and certify management systems according to international standards. The independent experts thus ensure trust along global flows of goods and value chains. TÜV Rheinland has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact for more sustainability and against corruption since 2006. Website: www.tuv.com

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