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Story Box-ID: 922345

Telegärtner Karl Gärtner GmbH Lerchenstr. 35 71144 Steinenbronn, Deutschland http://www.telegaertner.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Katrin Hommers +49 7157 1255249
Logo der Firma Telegärtner Karl Gärtner GmbH
Telegärtner Karl Gärtner GmbH

Telegärtner appoints Dr. Christian Benz and Dr. Kai Numssen to reinforce the Management Board

(PresseBox) (Steinenbronn, )
Dr. Christian Benz and Dr. Kai Numssen joined the Management Board at Telegärtner in September. As an experienced R&D and innovation manager, Numssen is taking over the management of the Development & Quality di-vision. Benz is responsible for the Sales & Marketing division as an expert with long years of sales experience.

Telegärtner is reorganizing its management from September. Dr. Christian Benz and Dr. Kai Numssen have taken up their posts in the family company and are reinforcing the Management Board. “With Dr. Benz and Dr. Numssen as managers, we have succeeded in gaining two highly spe-cialized experts with many years of experience,” Managing Director Florian Gärtner declares.

Dr. Christian Benz, the new Vice President Global Sales & Marketing, comes from the Munich area. Until now, he was Director of Radio Frequency Technology Sales D/A/CH at HUBER+SUHNER AG. In addition to his product and market knowledge, the graduate engineer has extensive experience in the international orientation of sales organization and is focused on customer-orientated processes and concepts. “I am looking forward to the unique challenge of helping to shape the global growth of Telegärtner and get the best out of the immense market potential of our products and solutions,” the 55-year-old tells us. “In addition to the diverse topics in the industrial sector, enormous growth opportunities exist for Telegärtner in the light of 5G and the associated necessary infrastructure expansion. Another focus will certainly be on the subject of customer orientation.”

Dr. Kai Numssen is the new Vice President Research & Development and Quality Management at Telegärtner and is relocating from the Black Forest to Steinenbronn. The graduate physicist brings extensive experience as Head of the Research & Development section as well as in innovation management. The 50-year-old innovation specialist was most recently Director Innovation Development at IMS Connector Systems GmbH and managed the Research and Development section. Before that, the radio frequency technology expert held various posts including Head of Innovation Management for the SPINNER Group and has extensive organization and structuring competencies. “I am very much looking forward to the new challenge. I am convinced that we will continue Telegärtner’s success story, developing the product portfolio further and further optimizing the quality standards. Especially future markets such as 5G, IoT and Industry 4.0 are calling for innovative solutions that optimally suit our customers’ requirements,” Numssen describes his new area of responsibility.

Both managers see themselves as team players. They value the cooperation, know-how and commitment of the employees and are looking forward to their new posts at Telegärtner. Florian Gärtner is sure that “With the two new managers, we are getting two colleagues for our Management Board in whose knowledge we can trust and from whose experience we will definitely benefit.”

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Telegärtner Karl Gärtner GmbH

Telegärtner Karl Gärtner GmbH

Telegärtner, founded in 1945, is a world-wide operative complete provider for professional solutions in connection and transmission technology and is one of the most important producers. The portfolio includes coaxial HF connectors, network solutions for structured building wiring as well as modularly structured programs in the industrial and fiber optic cable sector. The traditional company is already in the third generation of family management. Together with Michael Kolban, Florian Gärtner, grandson of the company founder, manages the Telegärtner Karl Gärtner GmbH. His brother Daniel Gärtner manages, together with Michael Kolban, the business activities of the Telegärtner Beteiligungs GmbH in which the activities of the subsidiaries are bundled. The group most recently achieved world-wide sales of more than 100 million Euro with a staff of about 650 people.

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