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Story Box-ID: 1018089

SONOTEC GmbH Nauendorfer Straße 2 06112 Halle, Deutschland http://www.sonotec.de
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Maxi Emmrich +49 345 13317821
Logo der Firma SONOTEC GmbH

SONOTEC® - 50.000 Ultrasonic transducers per year

(PresseBox) (Halle (Saale), )
For nearly 30 years, we have been producing ultrasonic transducers at our headquarters in Halle (Saale) with an output of currently 50.000 pieces per year We supply our customers with tailor-made, holistic solutions for a variety of industries and testing applications. But what does the development and manufacturing process of an ultrasonic probe actually look like? And what makes SONOTEC® probes so unique?

Comprehensive project consulting

Our sales team works closely with our development department to provide you with comprehensive advice on finding a solution for your testing requirements. After discussing your specific requirements, our experts use state-of-the-art software to develop a tailor-made probe sample designed exclusively for you. Our in-house development team works closely with the various technical departments throughout the process. This allows us to work quickly and with great flexibility.

Swift delivery of prototypes & series products

Thanks to our extensive development experience, we are able to supply our customers with prototypes just six weeks after finalising the specifications. Needless to say, we work and manufacture products in line with international standards. The production run of probes is then manufactured according to your specific requirements, incorporating precision craftsmanship and using state-of-the-art machinery. Each probe is manufactured in our production facility by highly qualified staff, after which it undergoes rigorous quality checks.

For example, milling work is carried out on our CNC machines right here at our own facilities by

highly trained specialists. This enables us to guarantee superior quality and reproducibility, even with high volumes. You will, of course, receive a test report with delivery of your custom probe.

Your product

Our ultrasonic transducers have outstanding acoustic properties thanks to our highly flexible SONOTEC® piezo-composite technology. To ensure that we can always supply our products in line with the latest technological standards, we work closely with research institutions such as the „Forschungszentrum Ultraschall“ (FZ-U, German Ultrasound Research Centre).

Once we have manufactured a bespoke probe, we are able to guarantee a long-term supply with excellent reproducibility of the acoustic properties. This approach has resulted in long-standing partnerships with a number of renowned clients in the international NDT market

30 experience in the global NDT market

Over the last three decades, SONOTEC® has firmly established itself in the global NDT market as a specialist in developing tailor-made ultrasound solutions. With a large development department and in-house piezo-composite production, we are with you every step of the way, from initial product concept to the start of production. Our scientists are continuously researching new methods in the field of ultrasound technology. The technological advances made in this enable us to provide you with the best possible solutions.

Application experts

Looking for a solution for your application? Then send us your application and we will identify the ideal specifications to find a solution for your testing requirements. If there are no products suitable for your application in our extensive product range, we will develop custom-made ultrasonic transducers and sensors for you.

OEM solutions

The extensive knowledge of our team of specialists and the many years of experience of our sales engi­neers ensure that our OEM components can be integrated seamlessly into your systems. The exceptio­nal reproducibility of our products is one of our key strengths.

Manufacturing partner

We are also able to offer you our services as a manufacturing partner for ultrasonic probes and ultrasonic transducers. Please send us your project details along with the defined specifications. We will develop a reproducible and optimised manufacturing process for you and supply you with products of the highest quality, made in Germany.


Gegründet 1991 ist die SONOTEC GmbH heute ein weltweit führender Produkt- und Lösungsspezialist für Präzisionsmesstechnik. Mit über 170 Mitarbeitern entwickelt und fertigt das Technologieunternehmen am mitteldeutschen Standort Halle (Saale) in den drei Geschäftsbereichen – Vorbeugende Instandhaltung, Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung und Nicht-invasive Flüssigkeitsüberwachung – innovative Ultraschallmesstechnik. Zum weltweit vertriebenen Portfolio zählen kundenspezifische Ultraschallwandler und -sensoren sowie Prüfgeräte und Messtechniklösungen für eine Vielzahl verschiedener Branchen und Industrien.

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