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Story Box-ID: 747049

Michael Bauer International GmbH Greschbachstr. 12 76229 Karlsruhe, Deutschland http://www.mbi-geodata.de
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Nadja Schwannauer +49 721 46470342

MB-International recognises Europa Technologies with Global Innovation Award

(PresseBox) (Karlsruhe, )
Europa Technologies has been recognised with the Global Innovation Award from leading geodata supplier MB-International. The award recognises the innovation shown in the redevelopment of the Global CRESTA Plus product to meet the latest CRESTA standard, as developed with significant effort by the CRESTA Secretariat.

The CRESTA standard defines a global zoning system used by insurers and reinsurers for modelling and risk management. The latest iteration of the standard uses postcode boundaries as the primary building blocks for the CRESTA zones, a change from the previous approach. Europa Technologies selected postcode boundary data from MB-International in order to build the new CRESTA HiRes and LowRes zones for the popular Global CRESTA Plus product.

Ray Roberts-York, MB-International's managing director, says: "Sincere congratulations to Warren Wick and his team at Europa Technologies on winning this award. The award recognizes their dedication to innovate and create products that are produced to the highest quality standards."

Europa Technologies' founder and director Warren Vick, adds: "We are delighted to have received this award from MB-International in recognition of our innovation in CRESTA product development for the re/insurance sector. We have worked meticulously to deliver a product that is both highly accurate and easy to use. With this in mind, we are proud to offer the data in product form, and also through our renowned viaEuropa service."

Europa Technologies will be showcasing Global CRESTA Plus at booth #718 in the GIS Solutions EXPO at the Esri International User Conference, San Diego Convention Center, July 21-23.

About Europa Technologies:

Europa Technologies is an award-winning specialist in digital maps and associated services for a wide variety of market sectors and applications. Our resources allow organisations with international interests to better understand their customers, assets and markets, in a geographic context, to gain a competitive or strategic advantage. Mapping products and services from Europa Technologies are used by many Fortune Global 500 companies, governments and missions of the United Nations. The company has global licence agreements with a number of leading Internet-based service providers including Google. Through deployment via Google Earth and Google Maps alone, our world data products have been seen by over one billion people, approximately 1 in 7 of the world's entire population. The company's identity is captured in its mantra: "Success, located."

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Michael Bauer International GmbH

MB-International offers a wide range of data products for business-critical geospatial analysis. MB-International's products include Population, Households, Age Bands, Unemployment as well as Purchasing Power, Retail Turnover, Consumer Styles and Consumer Spending on most geographical levels. They also produce and license vector postcode boundaries (ZIP), administrative boundaries and small areas maps for most countries Worldwide.

MB-International is a manufacturer and reseller of their own map, socio-demographics and boundary data that strives to provide businesses who want to make better informed investment with market data.

MB-International is committed to supporting their customers to achieve an effective set-up and continuous handling of their geodata. Specialized in providing tailor-made data products according to each customer's individual requirements.

MB-International's data is used globally by GIS engineers, Marketing executives, OEMs and controllers' for sales targeting, expansion planning and site location analysis in a wide range of Geomarketing and Business Intelligence applications.

For more information please visit www.mbi-geodata.com

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