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Story Box-ID: 659643

Michael Bauer International GmbH Greschbachstr. 12 76229 Karlsruhe, Deutschland http://www.mbi-geodata.de
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Nadja Schwannauer +49 721 46470342

"Fastest growing International Partner 2013"

First Element receives Award from MB-International

(PresseBox) (Karlsruhe, )
Michael Bauer International GmbH, Karlsruhe awarded First Element b.v., Delft (NL) as "Fastest growing International Partner 2013".

The award recognizes the excellent sales performance, the continuous growth and the successful customer projects in Geomarketing in the previous financial year.

First Element has more than 20 year's experience in the development of web based and desktop geographic information systems (GIS). They develop GIS solutions for commercial use in the Benelux region with a demonstrable knowledge in Retail industry. Their Geomarketing solutions for the retail sector focus on a number of key factors such as data analysis and visualization of target groups and competitors, optimization of commercial actions such as catalogue distribution, drive time analysis, sales optimization, strategic expansion planning and site analysis.

The MB-International global data (e.g. boundaries, sociodemographics and economical data) is integrated and customized in First Elements' customer projects and software solutions.

"First Element is a reliable, pro-active partner at the international level", says Mr Roberts-York, Managing Director of MB-International. "Their many years' experience and the comprehensive knowledge in Geomarketing prove that First Element is an important strategic partner for us in the Benelux region. With this award, we would like to express our appreciation for the continuous growth in sales last year and for their trusting cooperation. We are looking forward to continuing our successful and good partnership."

Erik van Hunnik, Managing Director of First Element received the award together with his team: "The award is a nice recognition of the excellent skills of our team and thus an incentive. Our jointly achieved successes confirm us to integrate MB-International's data in our tailor-made solutions. The MB-International data suits most of our customers' demands. The large coverage of the worldwide database, the wide variety of the data variables and the data comparability enables our customers to a precise basis for any analyses."

About First Element b.v, Delft, NL:

First Element was founded in 1990 as supplier and developer of relational database systems. Since 1994 the focus of the company has been mainly in the area of Geographical Information Systems (GIS). First Element has been partnering with Pitney Bowes Software (MapInfo) for over 20 years.

They develop GIS solutions for government and commercial businesses with specialist knowledge in the Police, Retail and Real Estate markets.

First Element is situated in Delft and member of various branch and knowledge organizations such as ICT-Kring Delft, VNO-NCW West and Delft Design.

Knowledge areas: LI2A - Location Information Intelligence and Analytics. Geomarketing/Retail solutions: location planning, business planning, sales territory planning and market research analyses. Public safety: crime analyses solutions for web and desktop.

For more information about First Element bv, please visit http://www.element.nl/en/

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Michael Bauer International GmbH

MB-International, a sister company of MB-Research, offers a wide range of data products for business-critical geospatial analysis. MB-International's products include Population, Households, Age Bands, Unemployment as well as Purchasing Power, Retail Turnover and Consumer Spending on most geographical levels. They also produce and license vector postcode (ZIP) and administrative boundaries for most countries Worldwide.

MB-International is a manufacturer and reseller of their own map, socio-demographics and boundary data that strives to provide businesses which want to make better informed investment with market data. With a team of experienced consultants they have a collective 30 years of experience in the Global GIS and Geo-data industry.

MB-International is committed to supporting their customers to achieve an effective set-up and continuous handling of their geodata. Specialized in providing tailor-made data products according to each customer's individual requirements. MB-International's data is used globally by GIS engineers, Marketing executives, OEMs and controllers' for sales targeting, expansion planning and site location analysis in a wide range of Geomarketing and Business Intelligence applications.

For more information about Michael Bauer International GmbH, please visit www.mbi-geodata.com

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