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Story Box-ID: 1187812

THERA-Trainer by medica Medizintechnik GmbH Blumenweg 8 88454 Hochdorf, Deutschland http://www.thera-trainer.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Christine Hohensteiner +49 7355 93140

THERA-Trainer supports P.A.N. Centre for Post-Acute Neurorehabilitation with remarkable donation campaign

(PresseBox) (Hochdorf, Germany, )
In the constantly evolving world of rehabilitation technology, THERA-Trainer, a family-run company with over 35 years of experience, continues to set the standard. Under the leadership of Dr. Jonathan Kopf, the second-generation managing director, the company has made a name for itself through the development, production and marketing of professional therapy devices and software solutions for neurological and geriatric rehabilitation.

“As one of the early pioneers in the field of rehabilitation technology, we stand for a life in motion," emphasises Dr Kopf. This vision is realised not only through innovative technologies, but also through social responsibility and support for charitable initiatives.

As part of the joint annual conference of the German Society for Neurorehabilitation e. V. (DGNR) together with the OeGNR and the SGNR from 14 to 16 December 2023 in Augsburg, THERA-Trainer supported the P.A.N. Centre for Post-Acute Neurorehabilitation in Berlin with a remarkable donation campaign.

The donation campaign entitled "Experience movement - Cognitive-motor training for a good cause" was part of the THERA-Trainer senso test during the event. Every high score achieved became a valuable donation to support the important work of the P.A.N. Centre.

The THERA-Trainer senso, a highly efficient, interactive training device, improves mental and physical performance, reduces the risk of falling and enables cognitive-motor skills to be tested and trained.

People who have suffered an impairment to the nervous system face major challenges in everyday life. The P.A.N. Centre for Post-Acute Neurorehabilitation in Berlin, an institution of the Fürst Donnersmarck Foundation, makes a significant contribution to neurological rehabilitation in Germany. With 66 places and an average length of stay of around 18 months, the centre supports people aged between 18 and 60 on their way back to a life that is as self-determined as possible.

The Fürst Donnersmarck Foundation, founded in 1916, is dedicated to the rehabilitation of people with physical and multiple disabilities. The foundation works daily to promote the participation and self-determination of people with disabilities, both through direct assistance and through intensive research activities and co-operation with universities.

Dr. Sebastian Weinert, head of social affairs at the Fürst Donnersmarck Foundation, is delighted with the impressive result of the THERA-Trainer donation campaign: "We will use the money to expand our therapy-based work for rehabilitants."

For further information, please contact

THERA-Trainer by medica Medizintechnik GmbH

Under the THERA-Trainer® brand, medica Medizintechnik GmbH develops, produces and distributes professional products and robotics-supported total solutions for the lower extremities worldwide. THERA-Trainer transfers the latest scientific findings for all phases of neurological and geriatric rehabilitation into everyday therapeutic practice. Around 130 motivated employees work passionately every day to set new standards and make "life in motion" a continuous reality. With over 100,000 units installed in more than 70 countries, THERA-Trainer is one of the world market leaders. The family-owned company was founded in 1990 and is based in Hochdorf in Upper Swabia, Germany.

For more information, please visit www.thera-trainer.com

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