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Story Box-ID: 1193537

THERA-Trainer by medica Medizintechnik GmbH Blumenweg 8 88454 Hochdorf, Deutschland http://www.thera-trainer.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Christine Hohensteiner +49 7355 93140

Learning to walk again with robotics-assisted support

Bad Wurzach rehab clinic gets new gait trainer

(PresseBox) (Hochdorf/Bad Wurzach, )
The Waldburg-Zeil Klinik Bad Wurzach now offers the "gold standard" in gait rehabilitation. This is how the Head of Neurology, Dr Martin Schorl (57), describes the new comprehensive treatment offer with the help of the THERA-Trainer lyra gait trainer that has now been purchased. The robotics-assisted therapy device helps severely affected patients who have suffered a stroke or other damage to the nervous system to learn to walk again.

Professor Stefan Hesse, one of the pioneers of gait rehabilitation, coined the phrase: "If you want to learn to walk again, you have to walk!" - With the new device, this special exercise can now be carried out with significantly greater intensity and frequency, explains Schorl, adding: "This therapy can prevent one in seven patients from having to use a wheelchair. This has been scientifically proven."

Together with botulinum toxin therapy (see info box), the rehabilitation clinic now has a unique offering beyond the region. "With this combination, we can guarantee the best possible treatment for severely affected patients in so-called phase C with spastic hemiplegia," emphasises head physician Schorl. Around 800 to 1000 steps per day are required so that the brain can re-programme the sequence of movements when walking, so to speak, explains the specialist.

Physiotherapist Johannes Schuschkewitz also confirms that the new therapy device is a significant relief for internal processes. "Previously, two or three therapists were needed for particularly severely affected patients to manage just a few steps. With the "lyra", 2000 to 3000 steps can be completed in the same time in future. This is a real game changer when it comes to relearning to walk," says the 36-year-old. He adds: "The ground-level entrance means that a wheelchair can be driven straight in. The individually adjustable weight relief helps with walking. The movements are guided by foot pedals to train the natural gait pattern."

For further information:

Info box - botulinum toxin therapy:
If the muscles cramp involuntarily, as is often the case after a stroke, the neurotoxin botulinum toxin can be administered. It is injected into the affected muscles to release the cramps.

THERA-Trainer by medica Medizintechnik GmbH

Under the THERA-Trainer® brand, medica Medizintechnik GmbH develops, produces and distributes professional products and robotics-supported total solutions for the lower extremities worldwide. THERA-Trainer transfers the latest scientific findings for all phases of neurological and geriatric rehabilitation into everyday therapeutic practice. Over 150 motivated employees at 5 locations work passionately every day to set new standards and make "LIFE IN MOTION" a continuous reality. With over 100,000 units installed in more than 70 countries, THERA-Trainer is one of the world market leaders. The family-owned company was founded in 1990 and is based in Hochdorf in Upper Swabia, Germany.

For more information, please visit www.thera-trainer.com

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