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Story Box-ID: 882830

THERA-Trainer by medica Medizintechnik GmbH Blumenweg 8 88454 Hochdorf, Deutschland http://www.thera-trainer.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Melanie Grom +49 7355 93140

Forward-looking Treatment – Complete Solution for Neurological Gait Rehabilitation

medica presents an efficient best-practice model for multi-phase group therapy

(PresseBox) (Hochdorf, )
With the THERA-Trainer Complete Solution for gait rehabilitation, medica Medizintechnik GmbH is bringing a complete device-based concept for neurological rehabilitation onto the market. The company is thus addressing the challenge, faced by many hospitals, of offering scientifically established and effective therapies despite the lack of resources, cost pressures and time constraints. "With our Complete Solution, we are successfully implementing an evidence-based, clinically proven treatment concept for the rehabilitation of the lower extremities", says Jacob Tiebel, head of product management at medica.

Many hospitals need tailored strategies to work efficiently, and medica Medizintechnik GmbH's new solution concept meets this requirement. The THERA-Trainer Complete Solution for gait rehabilitation is developed individually with each customer and is tailored to the current operating reality of each hospital. An in-depth analysis of the initial situation and a customised design of the solution ensure that space issues are taken into account and that the training and therapy devices are properly utilised. The Complete Solution is not a substitute for therapists, but instead facilitates and supports their work. In addition, it enables a single therapist to treat several patients at the same time.

A complete solution, not a piecemeal offering

With the Complete Solution concept, THERA-Trainer primarily addresses the organisational and process weaknesses in hospitals. With this approach, medica intends to harness previously untapped economic potential in hospitals, while at the same time working sustainably towards better treatment outcomes. The focus is not on the individual products, but on an optimised therapy process and the full set of devices as a complete solution.
Last year, medica acquired an end-effector gait trainer through its merger with the Swiss company ability. "With the THERA-Trainer lyra, we now offer the full range of products for gait rehabilitation. The real innovation lies in integrating these products intelligently into a high-efficiency setting", medica owner and managing director Peter Kopf says confidently.

First pilot projects have been successful

The first pilot project was launched last year in collaboration with one of Germany's largest hospital operators. The first THERA-Trainer Complete Solution was installed by medica in the neurological centre at the MEDIAN clinic in Madgeburg. This marked the beginning of intensive cooperation between the rehabilitation sector and industry. Prof. Michael Sailer, medical director of the MEDIAN clinic in Madgeburg, is convinced: "Professional care allows us to develop a differentiated approach with the Complete Solution." The process of carrying out a preliminary analysis of a hospital's therapy processes, followed by the creation of new therapeutic pathways, is of vital importance for cost-effective use, Sailer continues.
With the Complete Solution for gait rehabilitation, medica is striving towards long-term cooperation and partnership with hospitals. The concept has already received positive feedback from experts, and official distribution of the THERA-Trainer Complete Solution is now underway.

Website Promotion

Website Promotion

THERA-Trainer by medica Medizintechnik GmbH

THERA-Trainer® – a medica Medizintechnik GmbH brand

Under the THERA-Trainer® brand, medica Medizintechnik GmbH develops, produces and distributes device-based treatment concepts for the lower extremities worldwide. In doing so, medica takes the latest scientific findings for all phases of neurological and geriatric rehabilitation for everyday therapeutic use. More than 120 committed employees work passionately every day to set new standards and make "LIFE IN MOTION" a reality.
The company was founded in 1990 and is based in Hochdorf, southern Germany.
For more information, please visit www.thera-trainer.de/en.

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