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FactFinder and KASTNER Group win big at the Austrian Retail Innovation Awards

The collaborative use of the Predictive Basket takes home “Best Online Innovation” at Austrian Tech Day 2024.

(PresseBox) (Vienna, Austria, )
Tech Day 2024 brought together cutting-edge technology, forward-thinking innovation and leaders in retail for a dynamic event in Vienna. A highlight of the conference was the presentation of the Austrian Retail Innovation Awards. Now in its ninth year, the awards recognize companies that leverage innovative solutions to redefine digital commerce. The awards span three categories: Best Online Innovation, Best In-Store Innovation, and Best Omnichannel Innovation. A jury selected winners from three finalists in each category.

FactFinder, in collaboration with KASTNER Group, won the coveted Best Online Innovation award for its Predictive Basket solution.

The Predictive Basket is the only solution of its kind on the market. Using proprietary algorithms and machine learning, it delivers proactive purchase suggestions, simplifying on-demand shopping and reordering processes. Since integrating FactFinder, KASTNER, one of Austria’s leading food wholesalers, has received positive feedback on its enhanced search functionality and the Predictive Basket, which have become key differentiators.

The Predictive Basket strengthens customer loyalty and significantly improves eCommerce KPIs like average order value. On average, users add 2.3 more items to their cart. "These aren't new products or cross-sell items — they're products customers needed but forgot to order,” explains Maximilian Reiter, eCommerce Consultant at KASTNER. "Our customers trust the Predictive Basket more than their own order history."

"We are thrilled and honored to have won the Retail Innovation Award in the Best Online Innovation category," says Lauren Evans, Chief Marketing Officer at FactFinder. "Every day, we strive to set new standards in product discovery and search for eCommerce with our solutions, helping companies like the KASTNER Group deliver unique shopping experiences to their customers. Winning this award reaffirms our commitment to expanding our technological leadership."

About FactFinder

FactFinder empowers eCommerce businesses to achieve more – driving higher conversion rates and customer loyalty through AI-powered product discovery and search. Trusted by more than 2,000 B2B and B2C online shops worldwide, we help millions of shoppers quickly find the most relevant products every day. Backed by a committed and responsive local team, FactFinder delivers flexible, customized solutions to tackle today’s challenges and prepare for tomorrow’s growth.


KASTNER is one of Austria's leading food wholesalers, offering over 60,000 products online to nearly 10,000 B2B customers. Established in 1828, the family-owned business employs around 1,000 people and achieved an annual turnover of €290 million in 2023.

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