(pressebox) (Dresden, 28.04.2017) From May 8 to 10, 2017, international experts from industry and academia will meet at the edaWorkshop17 & ADTC in Dresden. They will follow the mission of edaWorkshop & ADTC to support the transfer from new nanoelectronics technologies into applications with high economic value and valuable impact on societal challenges by the means of innovations in design technologies. This explicitly includes close collaboration of R&D experts along the entire industrial value chain.
Since 2009 the two well established events ADTC (European Nanoelectronics Applications, Design & Technology Conference, until 2015 known as CATRENE DTC) and edaWorkshop (premier German event for the discussion of electronics design and applications (EDA)) are co-located and share a common day every two years in Dresden and provide an efficient and thrilling platform for collaboration and technical discussions among R&D projects and leading experts from all over Europe.
The event has a clear focus on deep technical discussions between the leading European experts in the addressed fields, independent from the research programs where the individual projects have been started. CATRENE, PENTA, ECSEL, Horizon 2020, national research programs – ADTC and edaWorkshop bring together all of them at one common technical workshop. This perfectly complements the European Nanoelectronics Forum, where strategic and political discussions have their home.
The event features 11 sessions with a number of different topics and more than 30 presentations including following three keynotes: “Design & Verification of Technology Dependent Electronic Innovations” by Andreas Aal (Volkswagen), “Embedded France and CPS Activities” by Cedric Demeure (Thales), and “Semiconductor Technology Accelerating Innovation and Industrial Productivity” by Gerd Teepe (GLOBALFOUNDRIES). With sessions like “Mobility of Tomorrow”, “Security of Industrial IoT”, “Connected Medical Devices” or “Emerging CMOS Technologies” the event proves its broad spectrum. In addition a panel discussion will focus on the „Long Term Scientific Research Roadmap NEREID“.
The three days event is a balanced combination of information and communication. It not only offers a wide range of discussions on specialized subjects and EDA research projects, but also provides several networking opportunities. This is supported by a comprehensive poster exhibition, where demonstrations and prototypes will also be presented.
With a mix of representatives from industry and academic research the event creates ideal opportunities for a professional exchange of ideas and results on a scientific basis. This dialog can pave the way for industry to benefit from research results.
Registration form and further information can be found at: www.edacentrum.de/edaworkshop
Herr Ralf Popp
edacentrum GmbH
Telefon: +49 (511) 762-19697
Fax: +49 (511) 76219695
Über edacentrum e.V.:
edacentrum is an institution dedicated to promote electronic design automation (EDA) research and development funded by the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research). It initiates, evaluates and supervises industry-driven R&D projects and offers a comprehensive spectrum of services on all matters concerning EDA, particularly project management of R&D projects. By encouraging EDA cluster research projects and EDA networks, it cross-leverages and reinforces the EDA expertise of universities and research institutes.
edacentrum provides a communication platform for the EDA community; it seeks to inform upper management, the public and the political arena about the central importance of design automation for solving complex system and semiconductor problems, especially those associated with nanoelectronics.
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